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**Please use the text box to provide your name, business phone number, and business email address. Missing information will result in a production and delivery delay for your flyer order. Thank you!


Promote your product offerings with the MedElite flyer. Each flyer is printed on high-quality, heavyweight paper stock to give a premium look and feel. All flyers are personalized with your name, phone number, and email address. 


  • Standard size: 8.5" x 11" double-sided printed flyer
  • Premium paper with a smooth finish
  • Includes downloadable PDF


Optional - add your QR code.


About QR Codes

We will generate the QR code for you. When the code is scanned it will lead to your digital business card that can be saved as a contact in your client's phone.

MedElite Flyer

PriceFrom $16.00
  • Standard 3-5 business days

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